Everyone knows cheating makes you feel bad about yourself.
I heard about a diet that encourages us to ‘cheat’ to lose weight!?!? BAD IDEA.
Only someone truly out of touch with personal values or their natural intuition could see cheating as a solution. Cheating is the opposite of trusting ourselves. To cheat is to deceive. If you cheat when you eat, the person deceived is you. The hurt it causes feels like personal defeat.
Cheating is unhealthy. It causes stress. Stress is exhausting. Sometimes it causes weight gain! Cheat when you eat spells long term trouble. Don’t be confused by the promise of a ‘quick fix’. There is no such thing. 95% of people who diet gain back more weight than they lose! Ouch.
Cheating when you eat
Cheating when you eat rolls over impacting every other part of your life. It hurts deeply. When we ignore what we sense with our body, we are out of sync with ourselves, Stress happens and we feel tense. The result is, we get angry easily. Everyone notices.
Sensual thinkingkeeps meal choices and personal values clear. It’s intuitive eating. When we think with our senses we’re clear about what we’re doing. When we feel with minds, we know, why. Tuning in to what we sense brings good energy because we’re in sync with our body and our values. We create our future when we feel clear about who we are and what matters.
Eating has to be a spontaneous a response to our environment and health. Be kind to yourself. Hunger isn’t always physical. It can be emotional, social or psychological. Sensual thinking keeps us clear about what we’re really hungry for.
Don’t buy into media hype and lies.
You can feel what makes sense. That’s why you’re reading this. Be good to yourself. Treat yourself with dignity and respect your body.
Using dignity and curiosityto keep clear about eating choices becomes automatic because it feels good. You won’t be stressed, and everyone will notice.